View Full Version : IE 7 Update

Rubber Duck
4th August 2006, 02:44 PM
Not a great deal that is directly applicable for most of us, but this is telling me that they are putting on the final coat of lacquer!


4th August 2006, 04:54 PM
This part of the Q & A did not sound good for a "hoped for" September release...

(QUOTE) No, this is the last beta, but there will be several RC's, since the current bug list is quite large. They won't be adding new features, but they will be making an effort to reduce the memory leaks, the crashes, and the bugs that break all of the old behaviors in IE6.

Latest insider estimates are late, late Q4 or pushing until Q1 2007 to ensure stability before releasing, since it is currently far from ready.

Rubber Duck
4th August 2006, 06:22 PM
This part of the Q & A did not sound good for a "hoped for" September release...

(QUOTE) No, this is the last beta, but there will be several RC's, since the current bug list is quite large. They won't be adding new features, but they will be making an effort to reduce the memory leaks, the crashes, and the bugs that break all of the old behaviors in IE6.

Latest insider estimates are late, late Q4 or pushing until Q1 2007 to ensure stability before releasing, since it is currently far from ready.

Judging by the tone of these comments and the use of the third person, I would suggest this "insider" is an "outsider" that has decided to sabotage the thread. Even if what he is saying is true, which is certainly not my experience as a full time Beta 3 user, I doubt very much if Microsoft would express it in these terms. The "barring any serious bugs we must fix" sound like a bit of get out clause incase there are serious unforeseen problems, but our man Walter is saying that as far as he knows, it is more or less complete.

Looking at the rest of the thread it looks like a co-ordinated attack. I must admit I thought I had problems related to Beta 3, but that was just me being suspicious. Turned out it was a combination of spyware and a faulty mouse.

4th August 2006, 07:12 PM
Looking at the rest of the thread it looks like a co-ordinated attack. I must admit I thought I had problems related to Beta 3, but that was just me being suspicious. Turned out it was a combination of spyware and a faulty mouse.

I tend to agree with your earlier analysis that IE7 comes out ahead of schedule for dropping support on earlier MS browser support, and just ahead or timed to coincide with release of OEM computers with the new Vista OS. A lot of other companies (1000 plus as quoted in article) are banking on everything happening on schedule as well.


4th August 2006, 07:24 PM
I have to say though, there are lots of problems, even with beta 3. It messes up several sites, including mine, plus that of a massive ISP in the UK, both of which worked fine in IE6 / Mozilla / Opera etc. It is also extraordinarily slow in some circumstances. Doesn't sound ready for release to me.

Rubber Duck
4th August 2006, 07:35 PM
I have to say though, there are lots of problems, even with beta 3. It messes up several sites, including mine, plus that of a massive ISP in the UK, both of which worked fine in IE6 / Mozilla / Opera etc. It is also extraordinarily slow in some circumstances. Doesn't sound ready for release to me.

Yes, it didn't display Domainguru.com properly, I got the stuff on the right hand side shifted down below. It was, however, a lot faster than Opera which was very slow.

I am not sure they are actually guaranteeing backward compatibility to sites designed for IE 6, as they are supposed to be working to a better standard compliance. I have a nasty feeling some sites may have to rewrite.

4th August 2006, 07:36 PM
I have to say though, there are lots of problems, even with beta 3. It messes up several sites, including mine, plus that of a massive ISP in the UK, both of which worked fine in IE6 / Mozilla / Opera etc. It is also extraordinarily slow in some circumstances. Doesn't sound ready for release to me.

They can't release it until it works for websites designed for IE6, lest they screw up the security of thousands of internet banking and stock trading sites. Lots of companies now depend on IE6 for their company operations. Additional features are in fact less crucial.

Rubber Duck
4th August 2006, 07:39 PM
They can't release it until it's ready, lest they screw up the security of an internet banking site. Additional features are in fact less important.

That doesn't make much sense as 1% of the US market is already IE 7. If it were a threat to Bank Security then even one copy would be a threat.

4th August 2006, 07:40 PM
Yes, it didn't display Domainguru.com properly, I got the stuff on the right hand side shifted down below. It was, however, a lot faster than Opera which was very slow.

I am not sure they are actually guaranteeing backward compatibility to sites designed for IE 6, as they are supposed to be working to a better standard compliance. I have a nasty feeling some sites may have to rewrite.

Err .. we didn't design for IE6, we designed for web standards :)

Rubber Duck
4th August 2006, 07:42 PM
Err .. we didn't design for IE6, we designed for web standards :)

Well somebody is adrift somewhere!:confused:

4th August 2006, 07:48 PM
Well somebody is adrift somewhere!:confused:

I'm 98% sure it was virgin.net that failed in a similar way to domainguru.com, but that was 2 weeks ago, and it looks fine now, so perhaps their web designers decided to fix it.....

4th August 2006, 07:50 PM
Err .. we didn't design for IE6, we designed for web standards :)

Yes, web standards is for fun sites, when it comes to logging on my internet bank account, internet stocking trading or income tax website, i still have to use IE6.

4th August 2006, 07:54 PM
Yes, web standards is for fun sites, when it comes to logging on my internet bank account, internet stocking trading or income tax website, i still have to use IE6.

What's wrong with firefox or opera with bank sites etc?

Rubber Duck
4th August 2006, 08:02 PM
What's wrong with firefox or opera with bank sites etc?

Actually Lenka needs IE 6 for her Czech Bank Account. Something to do with being issued a disc or dongle. It wouldn't work with FF. Don't think FF and M$ would necessarily regard it as their problem.

5th August 2006, 03:41 PM
>since the current bug list is quite large

Knock me over with a feather.

Stupid site of the day:

"This site requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 for security reasons."


Rubber Duck
5th August 2006, 03:46 PM
>since the current bug list is quite large

Knock me over with a feather.

Stupid site of the day:

"This site requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 for security reasons."


I think the word you are looking for is Oxymoron.

5th August 2006, 03:49 PM

Rubber Duck
5th August 2006, 03:54 PM

Thats the one and you can add Chief Software Architect to the list!