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16th April 2007, 03:47 PM
Hi guys I need help I got 2 offers on an ascii Spanish domain hechoenamerica.com = madeinamerica.com in English I offer a brief description in Spanish can somebody help me with a brief description in English?

Thanks in advance.

16th April 2007, 03:57 PM
You'd like a description of Made In America in English?

16th April 2007, 04:04 PM
You'd like a description of Made In America in English?

I mean a brief description on the potential of the domain name.

Something like this but in English, with the proper translation:

HechoenAmerica.com como lo dice el mismo dominio no creo que exista mejor descripción de Comercio e industria en todo aspecto para las Américas en Español.

16th April 2007, 04:15 PM
I mean a brief description on the potential of the domain name.

Something like this but in English, with the proper translation:

HechoenAmerica.com como lo dice el mismo dominio no creo que exista mejor descripción de Comercio en todo aspecto para las Américas en Español.

HechoenAmerica.com: A great domain for a manufacturing company to establish themselves as a dominant company of American made products. This domain can also be branded as a website which allows sellers to list/sell American made products. The potential of this domain is unlimited. Don't miss your chance to purchase this premium domain while you have the opportunity. You can take over the commerce of American made products targeted to a more international audience!

I just made up some on the spot B.S. Didn't revise or re-read. Got to get to class in 10 minutes ;)

Let me know if you need anything else!

16th April 2007, 04:18 PM
HechoenAmerica.com: A great domain for a manufacturing company to establish themselves as a dominant company of American made products. This domain can also be branded as a website which allows sellers to list/sell American made products. The potential of this domain is unlimited. Don't miss your chance to purchase this premium domain while you have the opportunity. You can take over the commerce of American made products targeted to a more international audience!

I just made up some on the spot B.S. Didn't revise or re-read. Got to get to class in 10 minutes ;)

Let me know if you need anything else!

That's a great description, thank you fka200.:)

I made the translation to Spanish that is better that my first description:

HechoenAmerica.com un excelente dominio para industrias, compañías y/o productores de todos los sectores, para establecer su industria y/o compañía de productos de América al mundo.
Este dominio puede ser comercializado como website/sitioweb como intermediario en compra/venta de productos y servicios, como usted ve el potencial de este dominio es ilimitado.
No pierda esta oportunidad de hacerse poseedor de este dominio Premium cuando aun tiene la posibilidad.
Usted puede dominar el mercado de productos americanos e internacionalizarlo sin límites hacia el mundo entero.